1·If by chance one of the cross members is longer, it must be trimmed so that both pieces are exactly the same length.
2·Further, each of the side members and end cross members preferably has a section of a roller path and section of a ring gear attached to them while being transported and assembled.
3·Members of the delegations also conducted frequent cross-conversations.
4·In this particular case, the execution of the relation will produce a cross product between all the tables and all the owned members that match the criteria explained in the later rule.
5·Only when we have the courage to cross the street and look in one another's eyes can we see there that we are children of the same God and members of the same human family.
6·Vinifera has been honed into hundreds of varieties, red and white; but the grapes are all still members of the same species, with limited cross-breeding between different varieties.
7·Cross out the last four names, they're not members any more.
8·Faculty members almostuniversally specialize in one functional area and typically lack the expertiseto teach (or sometimes even to cross-reference) material from others.
9·Using FitNesse based acceptance tests for collaboration between cross-functional team members is a great way to help communication within the team.
10·But the fund's managing director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, now proposes to assess its biggest members all at once to make sure their macroeconomic strategies do not work at cross-purposes.
但总干事多米尼克·斯特劳斯·卡恩(Dominique Strauss - Kahn)最近建议同时评估所有最重要成员国,以确保它们的宏观经济策略目标不会相互冲突。